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Fitness Myths: True or False?

1. Foam rolling is better than stretching for muscle release True or False 2. Protein shakes and supplements are great for weight loss...

Physical Activity Quiz! Test Your Knowledge!

Do you know what the US government recommends for healthy adults age 18-64 years of age? Minutes of moderate activity per week: ____...

Heart Health Quiz! Test Your Knowledge!

Heart Quiz 1. The average adult heart rate is ____ to ____ beats per minute 2. Generally speaking, (faster/slower) heart rate is...

Let's Move! Physical Activity and Exercise

What is the difference? What are the benefits? What should I do? How can I make sure that I am doing what by body needs? This is where I...

What Should My Workout Look Like?

We have all heard workout advice, but a lot of it is conflicting. Do you stretch before or after? Do you warm up at a high or low...

Heart-y Information

We all know we need healthy hearts to carry us through our lives, but what does that mean and how can we achieve long-term heart health?...

Blog: Blog2
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